"Naba-Abolova" is a creative collective started and creative directed by Zenhlanhla myeni aka ZEN
Established in 2018 Mofolo South, Soweto the "Abolova collective" is a small group of creatives that decided to elevate the image associated with the township youth. The collective aims to glamorize the mundane township streets and showcase and tangible potential to the average “kasi kid”.
Abolova are usually seen as the kasi kids that never grow up, the ones that make up the overwhelming majority of that 40%+ south african youth unemployment rate and the prime victims of the most unequal economy on earth, With a Gini index of 0.63. Abolova are basically the forgotten kids that never stood a chance to begin with.
Such representation serves to boost the self esteem of these forgotten kasi kids.
It’s not about the so’s and so’s that did that and that for who's who during 19voetsek. Let’s let go of the shackles of history and reach for the life line of the future, that you are a part of LOVA.
Read all about how the Abolova collective has a authentic representation of the township lifestyle.
Recognized by numerous prominent institutions such as design indaba and decorex, the creative collective's quality speaks for itself but a lot more people felt the need contribute to our narrative too.